Damon has never heard of Occam’s Razor
Damon has never heard of Occam’s Razor
If you think Tara Brown is hard you should see Leigh Sales on tha ABC in action. That woman is the journalistic version of a commando.
I’m basing my support for them on the fact that he says they could have called him. Therein lies the hallmark of every narcissist father. If you’re the parent, you’re the one who picks up the phone, you’re the one who visits, you’re the one who is there.
Here’s the thing about being the child of a parent who abandons you, and then subsequently the child of a loving stepparent: IT’S NOT THE KID’S FAULT THAT YOU LEFT AND SOMEONE ELSE WANTED TO LOVE THEM. My own mother is super bitter about the acknowledgment my stepmother gets on Mother’s Day, but you know what? If you…
Nick got interviewed on a youth current affairs radio show last night. Listeners sent in feedback texts afterwards that the host read out. My favourites were "I went to high school with Nick. He was a chump then and he's a chump now" and "Please tell Nick to give himself an uppercut."
Vegemite on toast is quite literally one of my favourite things, but the vegemite chocolate was fucking disgusting.
Australians. Australians want to kill you because we’re sick of hearing the same bullshit cliches. It might have been nice if you’d spent at least one paragraph talking the 99% of Australia that is stunning. If you’re going to be a travel writer then perhaps you should avoid the cracked-style cliches and actually tell…
Eh... It’s crazy in a different way. Like this intense religious stuff is pretty out of character here and is likely to just piss people off because prudishness and extreme religion rub people the wrong way. Also like 70% of the population is pro gay marriage. I’d guess the magazine published the story deliberately to…
“Queers can’t get married because the bible is against it. So, to protest, we’re going to get a divorce...which the bible is also against. So, you know, Jesus.”
That is what you aspire to be. You are a Kardashian site. You’ll need at least twice as much weed and attitude to be Rihanna site.
Fun tips: Sometimes all a dish is missing is the tears of an unsuspecting male!
yes, that is exactly what I said.
Okay, show of hands: How many women here have NOT been raped by Bill Cosby? This might be easier than adding up his victims.
“which sounds like something a racist five-year-old would write during a meditative break from lying facedown in the toilet merrily blowing bubbles in his own poop water”
This is one of those articles where I can’t quite bring myself to star many posts, not because I disagree but because they’re depressingly true.
A simple no would have sufficed.