Isabella d'Este

...What is the link to this blog? Asking for a friend.

If someone asked me for my email address, I think I'd tell them we're not hiring at the moment. Isn't that what email is for?

As a weird cost cutting measure at my school, sex ed was taught by the food technology teachers. They were both middle aged women who were unbelievably frank, alternating lessons between showing us contraceptives and showing us how to cook an omelette. At the time, it was pretty horrific/embarrassing, but now that I'm

It reads like a Pride and Prejudice fanfic. Which I love.

My cat is Machiavelli. He is truly awful, so I guess it works?

I don't mean to hijack a thread about Deborah, but Jessica recorded a duet with Maya Angelou!

She was banned from seeing Diana after Diana's engagement, so I think that was part of the thrill at first.

Ignoring everything else about this (difficult, I know), the idea that these two are a mother/daughter team is pretty badass. I'd definitely read a spin off where they hunt zombies together or something.

Renaissance historian here! Medieval medicine/cures relied on a belief that taking the part of an animal would transfer the qualities of the animal to the person being treated (a more common method was to hang a mule's testicles around the neck, to give you an idea).

At my restaurant we had standalone high chairs or booster seats that attached to the chairs. Since we couldn't put a booster seat in a booth and the standalone high chairs blocked the walkways, we couldn't seat parents in a booth. So many 'I'll just hold the booster in place!' or 'you can work around them, can't you?'

Wouldn't that start some sort of Gomez/Grande feud?

Thank you for writing and sharing this post. I didn't see it when it was first posted, so please keep using it so everyone can read it.

This! Also, the restaurant I worked at bought a specific restaurant dictionary (I think it was called Eat Your Words, maybe?) which helped heaps.