
This show has some of the best transitions from scene to scene. Every week I'm sort of in awe. Found three this week I loved:

In a way, Jared was actively trying to get the episode to pass the Bechdel Test but of course he failed, miserably.

I think it's intentional on their part, to keep everything homogeneous within the MCU. They go too far, though.

The season was shot with the Epic Dragon and man does it look nice. I believe that most of the Marvel movies are filmed with Arri cameras, specifically the Alexa, but then they're drained of a lot of their contrast in the color correction phase. Avengers and Winter Soldier are the worst examples.

I'm pretty sure this is the episode where Chandler says one of his wholesome Coach Taylor sayings, "We 'ppreciate ya!" as he's leaving a suspect's house/apartment/hut. That accent's forever.