Isaac Miles

Oh and btw, if they all based their statements on what Powell said, even though he said it after, or based it on Bush, them they are bigger morons than even you because they trusted their political opponent on something so serious. Talk about moronic

You're calling me stupid?? Every one of those quotes were made BEFORE Colin Powells speech to the UN. And I'm the stupid one. See what I mean…those that call others something repeatedly are usually guilty of just that same thing

I watch them all, as you would know of the post. And I am having to type this stuff in as it won't copy and paste on this site from my phone.

Fine, then read since you can't even watch a video that I just now watched. Btw, pretty sure we are way off the Hannity article at the moment, but you're probably didn't catch that.

You know, it's incredibly sad that I can't even post a nice thread without insults. Over 40% of my church is black actually and some of my best friends are Hispanic. I was not complaining or anything in my last post, and even asked you to tell your friend thanks….and you just return with more insults and rudeness. You

Ok, I will take that. And had I been more politically involved at the time you're damn right I would have flipped my lid over that. As for the Iraq war, let us not forget how many Democrats also said Saddam had WMDs and supported the war in Iraq before they didn't support it.

I only got to go to college because I was willing to take my chances with student loans, obviously a mistake. You mistake complaining with explaining the bullshit of white privilege. I do not complain about how my life is. I am blessed because God has given me a good church that helped me and friends that listen. I

Oh I forgot one. The only link (out of the six you gave me but I know it's difficult to count that high), that was a reliable source. Fast and Furious- my question for you is, name one of Bush's executive privileges taken that covered up a scandal that directly resulted in several deaths.

Show me a site that proves your crap on South America that is not openly and blatantly anti-Semitic and it might (but only might) hold some salt. Exactly which history are you referring to? I know what happened to the Native American and have denounced it several times. I note you must not have bothered to read the

Here's an interesting article for you. Gives more perspective on political polls. Had to type this in. Btw, I love how you demanded I give evidence from sites and when I asked for some from you, your comment was I guess you are to stupid to use Google. Talk about hypocritical.

Read the complete version of my last post now. You might learn something. My wife and I likewise are mourning Robin Williams, as he had bipolar like my wife does.

Didn't finish the post and it will be a bit. Of course I am sure you knew that as omniscient as u seem to be

Well let's see, where shall we start? First, I replied to what was in the post, not everything else. I also see you have gone back to name calling. I don't know where you get that only racists use those terms, but whatever you say dude. Let's start with this "white male privilege". I spent my childhood in poverty,

Privileged white male? You don't know me. You don't know what I went through growing up. There is such a thing as reverse racism, and you are showing it. You think because I am white I get everything handed to me? I am currently paying off $60,000 in student loans because I couldn't get a scholarship even though I

You are right. At the moment just having a conversation. I honestly thought the page was different

Still not seeing how it makes me an illegal immigrant. Where were the laws saying they had to do certain things to enter the country? That's an illegal immigrant, one who enters a country illegally. Try reading my post again. I said "does that mean I agree with how we did it? (Referring to how we won the country) Hell

What is it exactly you want? A copy of my paycheck stubs from then and now? A signed letter from my doctor stating how long it takes to get in? You seriously don't remember Obama claiming executive privilege on Fast and Furious evidence?
My iPhone won't allow pasting on this site for some reason, so check it. Obama

You know, I really don't care if you believe my premiums almost doubled. I don't care if you don't believe that it takes me two weeks to see my doctor when it used to take two days. I know it's true because it is happening to me, not some stupid talking points from Fox News or anywhere else. It's happening to ME and

Is liberal not accurate? I accept the term conservative without being insulted. Again and again I say, THESE STORIES WERE REPORTED BY EVERYONE NOT JUST FOX! I know it's hard to answer that so you just go back to you're a racist and just listen to Fox News. See my other post for the apology.

I apologize for misreading that. I guess you have never misread anything so I salute your perfection. My question here is how is it racist to dislike Obamacare when you do also? Why is it racist to disagree with amnesty for millions of illegals (note the word ILLEGAL or against the law)? Why is it racist to point out