Isaac Newton John

And yet, when Lebron James does exactly what conservatives claim they want black people to do-work on fixing problems in their communities-he gets attacked by 45. There’s no winning with people like you.

Conservative? Perhaps. But you ain’t black.

You’re unbelievably corny. You have zero facts. No one here likes you and if you are black and aren’t Jesse Lee Peterson, I’ll eat my fucking hat. 

Simply untrue. Again. FBI statistics have white people committing most murders, with victims of all ethnic groups. Troll harder. Fake news. 

And the last decent thing the Republicans did for blacks was when Lincoln freed the slaves. He would have also been happy to have them sent back to Africa, because he didn’t really care to have us here at all, but it didn’t work out that way, they couldn’t make the money work and the freed slaves were, like, “Fuck

Every animal dies. Not every animal truly lives.

“woof” is also the sound air makes when escaping from a football

Counterpoint: Waygyu > Kobe.

When you look at who was throwing to him, it makes Andre Johnson look like a first ballot HOF’er.

Like I said...

You have no idea how film production works if you think Rogen had anything to do with this, or even knew about it.

I voted for Hillary, but let’s not pretend she was a perfect candidate. She’s fair game for jabs.

My 2-year-old son fucking loves that scene from Planet Earth. He may be a serial murderer when he grows up...

Yeah, Spicer should just accept he’ll never be successful.

Unionization is a right, not a privilege.

My Union contract demands I get paid for every second of my life given to my employer. I also get premiums for overtime and out of shift work.

Did you watch them? Or is this just what you’ve been reading? Ozil has hardly been the problem with Germany and anyone who says otherwise is clueless.

No he hasn’t.

He really brought it home with “Dollar Tree Tomi Lahren”

While you are absolutely right that slave names have a long history that this part of the novel is based on, that is not where names like Thomson and Johnson derive from. Last names for non nobility were relatively uncommon until the black death in the middle ages, as peasants rarely moved around and there wasn’t