Isaac Newton John

whoa whoa whoa! you can’t say that out loud! It makes too much sense... JJ is gonna track you down and kill you with his bare AR-15 hands.

I run Chrome with Adblock+ and this site bogs so hard lately. If you figure something out, please let me know. I’d rather find a new site than turn off Adblock.

Mozz is the play you call when you are down 5 with only a minute to go and you ran out of timeouts 4 minutes into the 3rd quarter.

You shut your dirty mouth about cantaloupe.

The sweet part is what is wrong with it. But, if you are drinking it to get drunk, I guess it works. Consider this: there are alcoholic drinks that are delicious and interesting and don’t taste like a sour patch kid’s piss.

“ I don’t drink much wine.” That directly correlates with why you would like “Henry’s Hard Soda (orange) and/or Budweiser better than wine.”

That got dark.

The only thing I can think of is that California is a 2 party consent state? But yeah, it seems weird to me too.

None of his victims said “hell yeah, shoot me up with those molestation-roids you got that will make me a better athlete, and I’ll participate in the widespread cover-up of said molestation-roids.”

That take isn’t even warm.

I love that you try and accuse him of mocking the handicapped, as if some internet stranger should be able to diagnose you from a comment.  Most people that show poor reading comprehension AND support for Trump are morons. You are a moron with what you think is an excuse?

Very funny!

Or was found in Sacramento, a week later.

Under the table, non taxed, secret and illegal payments are very, very much wire fraud and money laundering.

Hey! Don’t lump black licorice in with the “bad candies.” Black licorice is the only good candy.

You are possibly the only person offended by the authenticity of Taco Bell. Taco Bell isn’t trying to be real mexican. Who thinks Taco Bell is at all authentic? Shit, I don’t even like Taco Bell, but taking offense to the authenticity of a mexican-themed fast food joint is absurd.

And yet you vote for a racist hypocrite?

That movie was so dumb and I absolutely love it. Mostly because the funniest actors from the 2 funniest shows (Charlie Day(its always sunny) and Jason Bateman(Arrested)) are in it, but also mostly because Motherfucker Jones.

I grew up being an Olympic nerd kid and this is the coolest thing ever to me.

+ 4 Lions