Isaac Newton John

He was trying to help the guy filming by flipping his phone on its side, allowing him to film horizontally.

Look at that fucking tie.

Lazily substituting one group for another because you don’t know or care that they are different is racist.

Again, those are Dutch, not Swedes. It literally says “Dutch Soccer Fans” in the headline.

I read the thread, just thought it was, uh, interesting how you are trying to make an issue out of Swedes’ supposed racism while being racist yourself. Maybe interesting is the wrong word. Funny? Hypocritical? I’ll find it eventually.

“Let’s not forget how hard in the paint they go to wear blackface over the Christmas holiday.”

holy shit... remember when Ryan Mallet and Jimmy Clausen were like, prized draft picks?


Good god, you sound fucking miserable.

At least that song is good?

You just admitted to having 4 GM’s. Sucks more to be you.

Worst place to be hungover: Adventure Aquarium in Camden.

+1 Catholic Guilt

Assuming the money is roughly equal, only a fool would pick a pressure-cooker like Florida over perennially mediocre UCLA.”

“it was a funny”

Happy Floofsgiving from Huckleberry Finn and Piper Bean, 2 best friends who are touching each other almost always.

Ew. Fuck. Gross. I would consider myself to be of, at the very least, average intelligence, and I never put that together.

Wait, is that what that refers to? I’ve heard people describe things as being “cherry” but didn’t know that was the reference and now I’m grossed the fuck out.

“typical suburban apartment”
