Isaac Newton John

I love bidets and installed one at my house. My go to analogy is: if you were playing mud football, you wouldn’t use paper towels to clean off. You would use a shower. And mud-butt takes a way gnarlier meaning when you aren’t talking about mud football.

“has no medical use”

Wow. That is... I didn’t realize it was that bad. My condolences.

Its a solid “Boy in the Striped Pajamas.”


Curious, do your 7-11's not have alcohol? Where do you live? I’m from CA and 7-11 is the go to place to grab a tall can.

where did you think it disappeared to?

what in the fuck are you talking about?

All of them?

Took me a second, but, same.

I remodeled our house before my wife and I moved in. It took a while and people could obviously tell that some major changes were going on. After we had moved in, a not-insignificant amount of neighbors knocked on our door and just straight up asked us if they could come in and look at it. One lady just walked in

That made me shudder a little bit

Well if they want a home so bad, why don’t they buy one?

I would vote for Kennedy Banks as a elected official today, as a 13 year old.

You can “hire” people to come collect and purchase your avocados from you, that they sell to larger distributors, or allow food banks to come and pick them as a donation. But I’d still share.

Your other response where you say “because I grew up on the Pacific Coast and I don’t swim in open water when I have a scratch or wound” shows that your expertise on sharks isn’t as great as you think.

Sure, people “choose” to go to Euroleague instead of NBA. All the time. I, just recently, chose to not take a 5 million dollar salary offer that wasn’t offered me.

You got a lot of off-brand information in there.

Ah, yes, Mount-a-Negro, a fantastic place to be. Just great.