I knew it.
I knew it.
We will have two annual Mexican themed drinking days- Cinco de Mayo y Treinta de Agosto, locally known as Muerte de Deditos.
That verse was the best part of the song for me and my illustrious kindergarten class of ‘92. In CA, since you asked.
I’m more than willing to pay a premium for PBR as a trade off for not living in Wisconsin. And by premium, I mean $3-5 for a tall boy at only the seediest of dive bars.
By sandwich, you must be referring to hamburgers and hotdogs, right?
I cant help but assume that these animals use ketchup as tomato sauce on their tort-izzas.
I physically reacted to seeing that. Like, I actually flinched and pulled my head back.
There it is! I came here to see a spicy take like this.
Hold onto your pants:
I’m writing you in on my ballot.
My whole life, I have thought DP was caffeine free. Turns out DP and Sunkist both have more caffeine than a Coke. For some reason, this is absolutely mind blowing to me.
+ 86
Brownstar Galactica
Without googling Josh Brown, and knowing nothing about him outside of what I just read in this article: Josh Brown is white, isn’t he?
I just hope that I’ll never find my 7 or 8 year old child laying in the sun, lazily nibbling on their own shit.
I have two dogs that are considered to be smart dogs (aussie shep and border collie), and I would say that the studies I’ve seen claiming dogs have around the intelligence of 2-3 year olds seems accurate to me. But, that is just what I’ve read and personally experienced. I think what I’ve read mentions that it comes…
I saw the photo of the dog at the bottom of the article and immediately knew I couldn’t watch the video. Dogs basically have the mental awareness of a toddler. Fuck that guy.
Is caffeinated chamomile tea a thing? I always thought that was a tea that helps calm and sooth and rock you to sleep?