Isaac Newton John

The strangest part of this video is the second torch bearer collapsing as he goes to light his torch.

The issue isn’t that his wife deserves to be destitute, but that his pension was based off of the years and years that he worked after he committed a fire-able offense by not reporting child abuse. So if its proven that he knew about the first claim in 1976, and said nothing, then he should have been fired, and his

I’m no expert on this, but I know some pension plans have defined amounts, allowing for spouses to continue receiving pension payments after the death of their spouse. But, that doesn’t matter here, since she already received a lump sum apparently.

yup, agree. I thought you were referring to the pension in present-tense, as in payments are still occurring.

Death already took it.

Last I heard, he was getting into the memorabilia trade? Can anyone confirm?

If you can’t use punctuation, you shouldn’t be able to even look at a knife. Your posts just gave me a migraine.

Basically any other central/south american countries ceviche includes tomatoes. And are better because of it.

Len Bias. Thats the correct answer.

I feel like you might have missed the joke.

+20 minutes of action