
I legit thought this was a bezoar in a bag. Now THAT would be classy.

Kentucky Mules are way better anyway.

Also, I hate their design aesthetic and the childlike antics of the dude while the girl acts as wife/mom makes me want to vomit.

I don’t know how anyone could watch the show and not get that vibe. It’s like watching the Duggers, the performative wholesomeness is just completely transparent even if you don’t remember the show is from Waco (which I didn’t).

How it *officially* works. Companies skirt the requirements all the time, though I have sort of mixed feelings about it. I feel like it does gut the bargaining power of skilled workers, but at the same time I’m not sure it’s fair that just because someone was born in the US they are more deserving than someone who’s

Which is why it’s super weird that Trump went after H1Bs. The vast majority of H1Bs are for technical workers, scientists, etc and most of them come from India, China, basically everywhere except Mexico. From what I remember H1Bs are supposed to be used mostly when you can’t find qualified candidates in the states.

Wrongful convictions are rare? The Innocence Project (that goes back to old cases where there’s possible DNA evidence and checks to see if it matches who ended up getting convicted) would like a word with you:

Yeah, this is such a weird non-story. Jennifer Aniston has benefited from within the system which we live in. That doesn’t mean she’s totally unqualified to point out that the system is pretty fucked up.

So it’s a good sign for feminism that the times when he made it completely explicit that these women needed to sleep with him to get a job were in the 60s and 70s. He at least got a tiny bit more subtle. That, or maybe it’s a little more tiring to run around after a 16 year old when you’re 70.

It’s sort of like an unironic version of Peter Rosenthal talking about the male leads in Hunger Games:

I think you missed the obvious lesson:

So I saw that they were remaking Ghostbusters (before I even knew who the cast was or that it was a gender flipped remake) and my first thought was “yuck, that’ll probably suck.” I still think that’s true, but now that there’s been the weird misogynist outcry I worry that the fact that it will suck will somehow be

I think whoever writes Vows hates that column. There’s always a barely suppressed hint of “I HATE THIS JOB I HATE THIS JOB” undercutting every word. It’s even better when they clearly hate both of the people involved:

I always figured they were going for this guy: