This is probably the fourth-most-pedantic thing I’ve ever read on the Internet.
This is probably the fourth-most-pedantic thing I’ve ever read on the Internet.
The world of the denim mini was the world of possibility.
The thought of having a teenage child really makes me consider never having a child.
There is seriously a part of me that just never grew up...seemingly more than most people my age, and it makes me feel real weird about myself sometimes.
Yes. I did this to someone and I’ll always feel badly about it. It’s been 14 years, I’m still with the guy I broke up with him for, we have two kids...and I still feel a little like a bitch. Had I been dating me I’d have thought I was the biggest asshole ever. But I wasn't trying to be an asshole. I just realized that…
My favorite is when they say the story takes 60 hours, if a story takes 60 hours to beat then you know it was padded with terrible crap inbetween.
Everytime someone mentions this game, someone comments “but it’s excellent after 100 hours!” and it just makes me depressed.
Yeah cause 4k wouldn’t look like absolute dog shit or anything...Mmmm can’t wait till they smear that DNR all over the 1977-83 films because people still cant understand that film grain is GOOD......
You know it’s going to happen soon enough. The original trilogy released remastered, unedited on Blu-Ray and digital download. It’s only a matter of time.
Not sure if they’ll release a remastered version of the script between Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman, but it’s clearly another good money grab.
I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.
You will eat your words when it is finally proven that eating Tumor Tacos cures/prevents cancer.
My favorite note so far simply read “Oh joy” in the area of the Cleric Beast. It summed up my feelings exactly.
It also begs the question: did someone take the time to write that while the Cleric Beast was attempting to unleash unholy pain upon them?
I was told that my attire was “too corporate” and that I should try to “soften” my look up. My normal attire is button down shirts and slacks, just like the other (male) employees. I asked what the clothing allowance was so that I could replace my presumably offensive wardrobe on the company’s dime.
If you know where towed cars go in Chicago, that makes this guy extra heroic. It's literally underground near lower Wacker drive. It's hell. That makes this guy Orpheus.
When will this retro-trend die already. I lived through gaming in the 80s. I have no desire to go back there.
Think about how you'd handle this in real life. Would you feel like you needed a "fair fight" against bloodthirsty psychopaths and hellborn beasts?
I'm not shocked that they're trying to make more money, I just think that turning a ballpark unlike any other into a place with giant TV screens in place of clear blue skies is a bad, stupid idea. If it makes you happy to have the views and experience offered by the ballpark ruined so that some random dipshit can put…
Just that it looks young, cheap, and poor, I think