Irving Lee

I'm warming up to Pearl Mackie, at least from that teaser alone. I really do hope to see the Doctor bringing in a slightly older companion than what we're used to seeing, though. Someone closer in age to John Barrowman, either when he was Captain Jack or as he is right now.

Just saw it. Certainly not as bad as the reviews are claiming, IMO. It might be the most solid video game movie to date, though that's quite a low bar to clear. It's easier to follow than Warcraft, but the exposition can still feel clunky at times. Pacing and runtime could've been better.

I'm with you. I remember that coincidence was talked about years ago in a message board somewhere, and if I'm not wrong there was a comic that brought that up too.

Granted, it could easily come across as such a silly moment, but I found it fitting for the way they portrayed Luthor in the movie. Of course he'd want to gloat, after being talked down that way by the Senator. And I love how the Senator recognized that something was wrong, it fleshed out what could've been a

Only good things I can say about it is that it's intense and gripping, for a foreign zombie movie, and the direction was fittingly decent. Characters and the drama were mostly bad(the ending with the father's tearing up was so, so unearned), and the plot holes and inconsistencies didn't help(one time a bite took a

This isn't exactly the place to talk about blockbusters, seeing the movies listed above, but I still want to speak my piece about Batman v Superman and Captain America: Civil War.

No offense, but every time somebody made up a scene using existing TV characters like this, it's pretty cringe-worthy. And that Hitchcock feels like a totally different character than the one in the show.

No words about them ending the show with this season.

Symbolic meanings are one thing. I can enjoy a scene as it is, devoid of further meaning, whether it exists or not. Production quality is another thing entirely. God, watching a badly-produced movie alone is still manageable, but watching it with friends who went through the same education? It will turn said movie

You say that, Shan above said Howard's pay was gonna be cut from the promised $8m to $1m. It's Hollywood. We can't tell who's telling the truth at this point.

Everybody died facing off against Thanos in Infinity Gauntlet. "Given that Cap does die facing off against Thanos" makes no sense as the basis for that assumption.

What's the point? It'll just get bashed. I found it pretty fun, though.

2 days after, and I'm still disappointed by the lack of acknowledgement of how Matt Letscher has come on his own with his Eobard Thawne. Tom Cavanagh did an amazing job with his Thawne-Wells, but Letscher's Thawne is how I've always imagined Professor Eobard freaking Thawne is in the comics. Psychotic eyes all the way.

Your first paragraph made a good point, the second and third paragraphs are basically what I said.

Think of it this way. Barry's timeline is way more fragile and prone to changes than the average timeline that the Legends go around fixing. What the Legends do is mainly just cleaning up after Eobard messing with things. Barry's whole timeline is always in flux with a lot of speedsters, each with several versions

Season 3 is actually really good. There's almost no filler episodes, and when there were, they still managed to keep the main story and character arcs going. Hunter and Bobbi's exit was the most surprisingly emotionally invested I've ever been on these comic book shows.

It was. The pacing is slightly off compared to Persona 3 and 4, and it's less focused on the school side of things compared to the previous two. But every gameplay mechanics have been improved.

More likely that she's dropping hints or taunting Ollie about her knowledge of Oliver's time in Russia.

SHIELD has been doing that since Season 2.

Did some digging around, and from a Canadian behind-the-scene-photos website, apparently they shot the scene where Savitar kills Iris twice. Once was with a stuntman as Savitar, with only Barry and Iris. The second time, it was said actor Daniel Cudmore(Colossus from the X-Men movies) was the man using the mo-cap suit