Irving Lee

No, but it gave him a tragic backstory, which he didn't need.

Really, it wasn't meant to be snobby or a brag. I mean, we all know the technicalities of working a production pretty well by now. And the movie was a mess. That's just it.

That first paragraph keeps reminding me of how dumb the change to Barry Allen's origins was. He was one of the only A-lister hero in DC Comics to have not been motivated by a personal loss to live a life of heroic, he's just a really good man.

Probably they gave it some leeway because it's a foreign movie. The production on that movie is so goddamned awful.

I really don't understand the acclaim Train to Busan got. I'm a design major, with a curriculum that required me to study basic and advanced film-making. Watched the movie with college friends of the same major, and we ripped it apart scene by scene.

You know, there's a lot of explanations the writers could put to defend the Legends' actions. First off, they're mainly fixing aberrations that other time-travelers created. Then they could say it's not as catastrophic as when Barry does it because Barry's own timeline and messing-up is filled with a lot of variables

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the ship the Legends arrived in wasn't the Waverider, right? Looks way different.

That kinda reminded me of Modern Family's Phil Dunphy, but yeah that was great.

I was disappointed. Smith certainly traded up with Lily James.

I don't understand how people thought Savitar's voice was unintelligible last week. It's exactly the same as Alchemy's. Same voice actor. The twist would probably be related.

It certainly doesn't help that most of the writing for Wally is deliberately dumb and annoying. The actor deserves better than that—my favorite of him so far is when he actually kinda looked up to Barry in last week's episode, during the raid on Alchemy. He conveyed this sense of both awe and relief to know Barry was

We were talking about BvS.

I still feel her facial tics when delivering her lines are a bit distracting. But I do think she's not being given nearly enough to actually show her true acting potential.

So, either Alchemy and Savitar has the same voice/are actually the same person—Julian aside, since it's pretty clear his Alchemy is different from the one we've been seeing, or at least the one we saw in this episode and the last—or the voice we thought was Alchemy has been Savitar all along.

Truth be told, I've only seen him as the Doctor and here in this series. It's just something you see from the glimpses of his performance. In both series, he's kinda restrained by the writing.

I'm all for more Pimento, but the writing and delivery of most of his dialogues here makes him pretty similar to how Jake usually is, especially paired with Holt.

Haven't got the chance to watch this yet. Did they address the fact that Caitlin might have still gained her powers in the original timeline, if Barry didn't do Flashpoint?

And yet another project that wastes Matt Smith's talent with a less-than-stellar writing. Seriously, the guy could act like it was nobody's business. I'm baffled they're intent on portraying his character in such a two-dimensional way.

I'm telling you, years from now, that script is gonna be studied and dissected in film classes. People have a problem with it because it's not the story they wanted, but the script is tight and really well-written. The one that made it into Extended Edition, at least.

I got a feeling that Steven Ogg might have auditioned for Negan originally. Now that would've been interesting.