Ignacio Rusconi

Plus the shops in the game take American Express... which... just raises all sorts of questions.

I got the platinum in under a week and while the game play is good what people remember about the good final fantasy games and what keeps people talking about them is the story. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy XV has a really weak story and the side quests are all boring and repetitive as well. The one thing that

sometimes....this time? No. Once the meat of the story is over, the dungeons are cleared...FFXV is more or less a collection of fetch quests, but that’s OK. The one big hangup I had prior to purchase (“DOES THE COMBAT SUCK?” “CAN THIS HOLD THE BUTTON SHIT REALLY WORK?”) turns’s ultra engaging and fun.

A weird “flaw” to Final Fantasy XV is that it’s a very good game but it’s not memorable. I just beat it and moved on but everything about the game felt forgettable to me. The other games were memorable even the controversial FFXIII.

I think people had low expectations based on what happened with RAGE. It was an okay game that was rushed and incomplete.

Everyone I know who bought it has beat it and is patiently awaiting the DLC.

The fact that the ps4 pro exists just really annoys me. It ruins the fundamental appeal of console gaming: I buy a system and can play every game made for it, no hassle. If I wanted to worry about fucking with settings or not having a powerful enough hardware, I’d stick with PC gaming. I honestly hope it either fails

You'd never see an article like this on most other video game news sites, major reason I really like Kotaku.