
an even bigger Death Star analog that fires black holes

For an artist that usually makes distinctive, beautiful images, that is a pretty crappy piece of work by Coipel.

Which I find interesting.

I think the movie was more consistent than you are giving it credit for (though not perfect).

Ned was clearly snapped too.

While it’s a bit of a stretch, there are multiple times old man Cap could have jumped back using the time platform when nobody was watching.

Opening scene of Far From Home:

Same here, though I remember reading that they used old footage of Natalie Portman because she wasn’t interested in returning.

Within the world of the MCU, it would be harder for the public to accept a known terrorist / assassin as Captain America without keeping his idea super secret.

He’s still got wings and guns.

The problem here is that, by jumping back in time, but not returning to his point of origin, he is now in an alternate timeline. Thus, the old Steve Rogers they meet is not technically their Steve Rogers.

My rationalization is this: Steve lived his life with Peggy, she got dementia, he then jumped back into the future using the time platform in Avengers HQ when nobody was watching (before Thanos explodes it), snuck away before the final battle (because he knew his buddies would defeat Thanos), then went to the lake to

Thanos fucked up the 2014 timeline...not the good guys. It’s unlikely the Avengers would do the same to another timeline out of selfishness.

He has a Mjolnir, for what that’s worth.

I think Moon Knight would work well as a more mature Disney+ series. That way they could lean into the multiple personalities thing and give each of the sub-characters a little room to breathe. Plus, his powers don’t require exorbitant amounts of CGI money.

Depending on what happens with Hulk (and the universe in general) in Endgame, the Maestro would be a solid villain.

And Fin Fang Foom. And his purple pants.

A SWORD movie with Death’s Head, Abigail Brand, and soft openings for Shadowcat / Lockheed / Beast would be solid.

Batroc & Bill Foster would be good options, too. And introducing Songbird (a pretty crucial member of the team) wouldn’t be too difficult since all the rest of the characters have already debuted.