
Everyone agrees that our government spends far too much on the military. What we also need to agree is that other Nato members do not spend nearly enough on self defense.

Every dollar under the 2% of GDP for each of our NATO allies has not ponied up over the years for the defense of Europe that they agreed to when they signed the NATO treaty is extra money beyond our 2% obligation that that the united states has had to pony up.

Now I’m under no illusions that a republican president

Angela Merkel has been the leader of the free world since Trump was elected.  That said, they are not taking in enough economic refugees and must take in many, many more.  Over the next 10 years it is expected that roughly 1 billion Africans want to emigrate to Europe.  Germany is only taking in a couple million every

Right. Sometimes it seems like people are using the #Me Too movement to hold actresses and other female celebrities to standards they don't even personally live by.

why does her response matter, though? why are we holding her accountable and pressing her on the actions of a shitty man?

I believe we should have a short period of mandatory military service for all citizens.

Think what you will of the military (I come from a military family, and am married to a current service member, so I’m biased in favor of the military as a general rule), but any person willing to put their life on the line for this nation is an American in my mind—and infinitely more deserving of citizenship than

Trump on Syrian refugees in general: “We have no idea who these people are, where they come from.”

It’s funny how silent Trump supporters get when you ask them if praising a murderous dictator and enemy of the state is acceptable for a president.

Its funny how silent Trump supporters get when you ask them if praising a murderous dictator and enemy of the state is acceptable for a president.

They know he’s vile, they just don’t care. Like the time mocked a disabled reporter, I couldn’t find any Trump supporter that would defend it, and yet none that found it una

I disagree. I doubt he knows she's smarter than him. He has a really good thing that thinks. Just ask him.

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

It’s complex.

It’s 5 hours of kindergarten a day. I think comparing it to the lost generations is ramping up the conflict a bit there, parrdner.

They already chose to live in their own ethnic enclaves, they weren’t forced to. Reading comprehension 

Ok. Take a deep, deep breath. This article is an unbelievable mismatch and misrepresentation of the matter at hand.

One way is to fight false narratives that started proliferating in the right wing media. That is very hard though. I remember not so long ago the NYT or the Guardian did a poll that showed Europeans thought there were twice as many Muslim immigrants as there actually were. Very similar to anti-latin immigrant rhetoric

Apartheid? They’re trying to assimilate these kids into Danish culture, rather than having them separate and isolated in their own communities.