
I think it’s kind of sad how he sidelined his own best judgment in deference to a figure of authority, an authority whose own judgment is not to be questioned, and it cost him his own better interests while only furthering the narrow interests of the organization that authority represents.


Always a classic

This is an excellent article I love how deep you guys go on this stuff it teaches me a lot about the game, I never played in school so these help me enjoy it a lot more. I’m curious as to how this fits with the Dolphins who’ve also had one of the biggest turn arounds this year with a big emphasis on the run?

Thankfully, the Democratic establishment, of all things, may be rejecting this sort of racist pacification of racists.

Mark Twain once said “Golf is a nice walk spoiled by a pack of mongooses”.

Jeez, even Soccer’s sex scandals are boring.


Sadly, he had no idea what to do when he reached third base

I went to a hayfield in Buxton once.

Wow! Eddie Barzoon is a Penn State alum?

Pretty disrespectful of Kaepernick, especially after Santa Clara PD worked so hard to keep Ray McDonald and Aldon Smith from facing charges.

It's a good thing people this sensitive have blanket license to harass and murder the people complaining about this very fact.

With a Company-Wide Email, a Question: To Reply?

Donald Trump, or as I like to call him, Human Kinja

I am only mildly disappointed you didn’t turn this one over to Jezebel so they could do the whole thing over Jordan winning the Bachelorette. That would have been an All-Timer of a troll job.

Wins Above Resurrection

Doesn’t this entrepreneur have a self-sustaining business to run?

A further take: Hilariously wrong but unimpeachable calls in high-leverage situations are good for sports.

You are a good sports blogger, Barry, but you fundamentally misunderstand the appeal of sports if you prefer replay review to live action.