
Her constituents did that already.

Shouldn’t he be sending his goons out to fight Daredevil right now?

Commiserate? I'm sure you meant commensurate, but commiserate works so much better. Freud approves.

Dear Supreme,

Since he’s openly positioning himself as chief state propagandist, will he now go full-Riefenstahl and start filming his magnum opus - “Triumph of the Wig”?

Hannity moves so fast between declaring himself a ‘journalist’ and an ‘opinion guy’ that you can barely see him.  Now he is calling himself an ‘advocacy journalist,’ which is NOT A THING, Sean.

Proposed as a 28th Amendment to the Constitution: No white shenanigans. Should “shenanigans” be called, a vote shall be taken among all affected minorities. If the call is confirmed, the shenanigans shall be cancelled and all white folk in the relevant area shall be disenfranchised for a period of ten years.

Good luck on your side of the pond.

My mama said “If someone pushes you, push back”. Tom Steyer pointed out this morning that the False Equivalencers and the “Both Siders” are de-emphasizing not only that #TRE45ON and his Tribe are the only ones doing direct attacks, but by also attempting to frame something like AG Eric Holder’s “when they go low, we

There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright … Perrlando!

they are all the same

I fucking hate this shit, especially since it’s not as common among my fellow Olds. It is so jarring to be walking down the street (I don’t know how it is other places but this definitely happens in New York) and hear Asians still with foreign accents saying “nigga,” and of course Puerto Ricans, no matter how pale,

My husband and I still argue over whether MC5 was punk or metal, and nobody here will know what that means.

Farewell to the website who’s existence I just learned about in this post saying farewell. 

Haha just wait til I tell my man he’s been blowing his nose on giiiiirl tissues!!!

Lolwhut! I didn’t know this was an actual thing that existed. But it’s good to know that its moment was brief, and the stupidity will be mitigated.

The President. Of the United States. Publicly and with no remorse, called a woman “horseface”.

It is well past time for a website (with a stong social media platform) dedicated to these fuckers...

That’s one of the craziest parts to me, that he wasn’t even yelling at the ref (not that that would’ve been an excuse to call the cops). “Hi officer, this black man is agreeing with a referee and it makes me really uncomfortable”

Because they worship authority and desire to become authority. It’s the hypocrisy of being a conservative in favor of “limited government” but then piling on laws against abortion, same-sex marriage, discrimination ordinances disguised as “religious freedom”, etc. They claim it’s about liberty but it’s really about