
Oh no a dude doesn’t like Bey’s album about being betrayed by her husband.

Hollyweed Stars and Celebrities. What Do They Know? Do they Know Things? Lets Find Out!

You don’t always have to “well actually” on every comment. My grandparents both were in poor health when they passed. It was unsurprising, but that didn’t lessen the pain. I know you think blaming 2016 is dumb. But sometimes it’s nice to have something you can say “fuck you” too. I think possibly the only one that

i’m old and have a shellfish allergy, so if you lot can just put a sock in it, that’d be great.

She had plenty of catchy tunes. But I never fully grasped the “Acting like a slut is empowerment” shtick. Neither did most of the women I knew.

“it was just a joke!”

William Henry Harrison’s boss move of taking office them promptly dying is looking like a pretty sweet deal compared to what we’re facing.

Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.

Fuck you depp.

With all my intuitive, witchy powers I tell you I have long believed Kanye to be bipolar. Love him, feel for him, he’s a blowhard but brilliant. Let’s try a little compassion- when it comes to mental illness, celebs are really just like us- except sometimes the fishbowl exacerbates the delusions and makes it harder

Why do we do this to women who come forward? Fucking bullshit man. And now we have a President elect who openly brags about sexual assualt. The impact is going to be exponential if it wasn’t alreadt. Brb going to jump off a cliff

Well, this’ll teach me not to be optimistic about anything, ever.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our

It is super telling about every single one of your privileges that you brush off his dangerous racism, misogyny, ableism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, love for murderous tyrants, and ignorance with a mere “...worse for some people, but calm your little heads”. Seriously? Get stuffed.

No, fuck YOU. It is not Huma’s fault. Why don’t you go woman-blame yourself off a tall building.

My mom and her siblings were walking home from church at night in rural Mississippi the early ‘50s. They were talking and laughing but quieted down when they saw someone in the dark approaching them on the opposite side of the road.

I was attending Bergen community college in the mid 70's....We had taked a field trip to an older ladies house in Ridgewood NJ on the street leading from Midland Park, it was a pink victorian. When we got there we were shown around the house. The lady had dozens of shelved collection cases filled with everything from

I posted this on the submission thread but I was too late for anyone to read it so here it is again:

Oops, missed the cutoff, but here’s mine:

YAYYYYYYYYY!!!! I submitted mine too late sadly and it got buried. Here it is if anyone would like to read it: