For fuck’s sake! Nico? Postcards? Cuddly warm fuzzies? God damn! It’s like a fucking terrible, blind and thoughtless joke.
For fuck’s sake! Nico? Postcards? Cuddly warm fuzzies? God damn! It’s like a fucking terrible, blind and thoughtless joke.
Yer gonna go there? Really? Because I think these producers should be castigated and hung by their little british balls?
That’s part of my outrage. My rig is no joke. When I posted to Hello Games for help with my issues they told me to update my drivers (check), optimise my settings per manufacturer’s specifications (check) or get new hardware... NEW FUCKING HARDWARE.
I would have bought it day one anyway... I just wanted to try and preinstall it so that when I got home from work I could just.. you know.. GO. You make a valid point though.
Oh yes... and how. I’m just waiting at this point for the closure due me.
I’m not a “bro”. I’m a nurse. So, no. I’m not easy going or “laid back bruh.” I live a high intensity lifestyle because that’s what I do.
How is the story here NOT about a company swindling more than a million dollars from the Steam community alone? How is it that the story portrayed here is “Postcards from the Outer Rim”? Like it’s some sort of fucking vacation with pina coladas or some shit.
This is the most self-congratulatory bullshit pseudo review I’ve ever fucking read in my god damn entire fucking life.
Need to get that man a sump pump for the trump dump.
I’m glad someone is talking about this. I’ve been playing this trash-heap of a game for the last 5 hours hoping against hope that at some point the magic will happen.
Reasons? I don’t know! I thought it was aliens... now it’s a monster? I dunno... I don’t care now I guess?