
Yup. I mean we know for certain everyone had more time this week just because we have some extra time. It’s not like some of them may still have jobs and are doing this part time. Possibly have kids, or family they need to look after. Increased responsibilities due to the quarantine that may take time away from them

This. So much this. The bias of that jab at the end makes me distrust anything else that’s reported on the epic store by Jason. I mean I know it’s Kotaku, but still.  I don’t always agree with Jason, but this time it just feels overboard. 

Just as a note Super Robot Wars T on PS4 & Switch will be released on the 20th. If you get the Asia version (Not Japanese there is a difference) then you can get an English version.   Since I don’t see this game releasing in the US, but still having it playable I figured it would be a good mention here.