
DAMN. I think this is the best thing I’ve read here since “On Smarm.” Thank you, Madeleine.

“Becoming ugly” is a gift if you can manage it. I get a lot of shit for it from the people who knew me when I was a very sweet, endlessly polite and appeasing 16 and seem to think that that’s who I still should be, but it’s worth it. I even get a little thrill of satisfaction when I say something harshly true or

“even in the minds of other women—the ones too foolish to realize that men don’t protect them anymore or, somehow more offensive to me, the ones who’ve cynically embraced the concept of female empowerment as a brand or an excuse for selfishness, effectively wringing the term of its power and significance.”

Wonderfully written and so true.

(an occupational hazard when you’re a woman writer, a life hazard when you’re kind of a bitch)

Heartbreaking and beautiful - it resonates greatly with me what you are writing.

This was spectacular. I want to print it out and paper the walls with it.

This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

Madeleine Davies, always my favorite.

This is wonderful. Thank you for writing this and reminding us that we need to continue to act as that blinking hazard sign until we are all taken seriously.

I admire you for taking the time to write this. I don’t have the energy to write down my anger eloquently at this stage. And, it has pretty much evolved to simply, anger at the men in my life. And, there are a lot of them, mostly at work (male dominated field). Socially, it’s only women and queers and that’s all I can

You’ve accurately described the day to day humiliation of living inside a woman’s body. The good men are still trying to force us to believe we’ll be ok, which feels like an even greater assault than those actively assaulting us.

I hear the echoes of my own youth, and your anger at the male “friends” who were okay with you being sexually assaulted as long as no one of the guys was affected (since they were the ones that mattered). You are a strong and powerful woman, and your words count. You are a leader and influencer. Be secure in your

This is really fucking good.

Becoming Ugly

In 2001, when I was about 14 years old, my male friends invented a game that went like this: one of them—and it was

Look I just want to chime in again and mention this one time that I dated this guy who SUCKED but for some reason we immediately fell into an unspoken Thursday + Saturday schedule and it was the greatest fucking thing in the entire fucking world because it was essentially a sex schedule and it ruled.


I’d say there’s some truth to the importance of scheduling. I’ve been banging my husband for 15 years. It’s marvelous, but between work & house & kids it is easy to forget how great sex can be when I just want to SIT ALONE ON THE COUCH FOR 5 GODDAMN MINUTES. We make ‘cuddle’ dates- no pressure to have sex, but we’re

Come on. Not this one. Not now.