
Bingo. She’s a woman, and he’s a racist.

This. I’m tired of this bullshit that she’s some uniquely weak candidate. We’re not supposed to talk about it, but we’re going to look back at this and realize how much of her difficulty in being a frontrunner was little more than the result of her being a woman to an electorate fighting against history.

Because Americans hate women and minorities?

But, he hasn’t though. These debates have absolutely killed him. Are you following the same election I am? Have we forgotten this quickly that the race in 2012, for instance, was much closer in the polls? Can we stop this talking point that he is somehow a stronger candidate than most? Because he’s been an awful

But it was!!! My boss and I were the only people in the room who understood what was going on. I called out Peggy and “last chance to negotiate”. I thought I was gonna be fired by my boss’s boss the entire time.

Better than a goose.

“You have to come outta there. America needs you!”

Your boss? Awesome sauce.

Weirdly my very conservative catholic school forced us to wear skirts as part of our uniform, but had a rule against wearing shorts underneath our skirts. We all still wore them, and the rule was never enforced after one epic conversation:

Every sentence of both of these posts is absolute solid gold.

Please tell me you worked in “and Peggy!” and “Yo, Who the Eff is this?” at some point.

Why thank you. No one got even remotely drunk. Granted, we were already none too sober (I know you’re SHOCKED to read that people who were not sober made the tampon bet.) No burning or chafing for the ladies. Sorry, gents!

1) you’re my hero. 2) gif choice A++ 3) did the tampon burn? did you get like *ridiculously* drunk? I need answers. For science.

Want to really question the collective judgment of our household? I was one of two women who agreed to stick a vodka-soaked tampon in our pussies. My SO was one of two dudes who agreed to stick a vodka-soaked tampon in their buttholes. The other dude got an anal fissure from it and had to explain the whole thing to a

HOW did you not lead with the vodka tampon? I mean kudos for making me LOL

A roommate and close friend of mine from college graduated the year before me. His whole family was up for the graduation, including his brother, who was a high school senior at the time. My roommate friend dared me to kiss his brother, saying he would give me a dollar if I did. I was tipsy so I said “fuck it,” went

My best friend and I were in the parking lot of a church (we attended his great-uncle’s funeral) when he dared me to sneeze on his deceased’s face. My friend absolutely loathed his uncle, and for good reason. But he’d promised to briefly attend the service and not make a scene, so he wanted one last posthumous dig

I was a rebellious young thing who loathed being subjected to gender norms. So despite being forced to dress in garish overly feminine dresses and matching patent leather shoes, I would run amok with my (predominately male) friends causing all sorts of mayhem.

I made nothing but “Hamilton” references during a board meeting. For two hours, I was only allowed to speak lines from Hamilton.