
As much as I detest both that decision and the result, I do think you’re letting this system off easy by placing the blame on the Judge. This isn’t one Judge going off the sliding scale. It’s the system as a whole not even breaking down. It’s doing exactly what it was designed to do, which was precisely not enough.

He’d almost certainly have been refused bail if he’d kidnapped a stranger. Judges (and police, and prosecutors, and juries, and the general public) tend to see domestic violence as totally different, and much less severe, than “regular” violence, because it’s only directed at a woman the abuser is entitled to, and the

This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.

And then pour glitter on him! Molassesd and glittered can be the new tarred and feathered.

See also: I am reading a book because I want to read this book, not because I am killing time until a man comes to talk to me.

You’re not winning, and you’re not going to win this. Tuck your legs between your legs and go the fuck home with whatever dignity you have left, love. Thanks.

Think nothing of it. Less than nothing. It’s just what we do for each other.


I’m not pretending. If you don’t like it, fine. Don’t dismiss other people liking it as pretend.

Since you asked and only since, as it is not in my nature to be forward with my thoughts on others... Let me frame for you what a third party might observe:


I love how you went from

I never said you couldn’t express your opinion, I’m just letting you know no one cares about it. Someone had to, might as well be me.

That’s nice, but nobody cares.

Holy. Shit. I’ve been trying to figure out what to go as for Halloween this year, seeing as I will be around 23 weeks pregnant. Mystery fucking solved, thank you Laura Perlango!