
The only hair-related thing I want to know about is what kind of glittery shit they use to make it stay back in those fierce buns and be all sparkly with no flyaways? Other than that? No.

And it is SUPER obvious they made Gabby out to be the classless black chick with a chip on her shoulder, being replaced by Simone, the other black chick from a sad childhood and broken home THAT THEY WONT STOP HARPING ON LEAVE HER FAMILY ALONE.

I almost threw something last night. The Netherlands girl finished her beam routine and started working in a notebook and the commenter was like, writing in her diary. And Nastia immediately corrected him, “she’s calculating her starting value to make sure she gets the full credit.” And then later they showed her with

I think we can all agree that at best NBC commentators are useless and at worst they’re just so abhorrent. Sometimes, the “commentary” makes it hard to watch the games.

Yes absolutely of course talk about her not beaming in joy in the stands, let’s ignore the fact that on the day of qualifications for all-around, she immediately hugged Aly and Simone and said “I’m not disappointed at all” and said the exact same to the press afterwards, despite the fact that the freaking NBC

Absolutely, I’m so glad we’re getting the legal system showing some humanity.

This type of compassion and decency doesn’t even come at the expense of the letter of the law; it elevates the law.

When you sit in a court of law day in and day out, it’s easy to forget that your litigants are human beings with lives outside of the justice system. Good on Judge Wolf for not forgetting and for not being afraid to sometimes let common sense prevail over the black letter law. She is a credit to the bar.

Offering the same product in a different color for the same price is patronizing? This take is not hot enough; please microwave and try again.

She’s roll playing and kids love to do that. My son went through a big pushing his stroller around phase and likes to “make cookin’” with pots and pans. I don’t think it’s gendered so much as its playing at what they see adults do around them which is often cooking and pushing a stroller.

If this were simple capitalism, they’d charge more for the blue “boy” toys than the pink “girl” ones. While our society deems it acceptable for girls to show interest in “boy” things—wear blue, play with trucks, etc.—many parents freak out at the thought of their young sons having any association with pink,

I would wear a flamingo onesie right now.

I have been mouthing off to my parents, extended family, and in-laws for months about my hatred of girly pink things. We’re due in 8 weeks. I think the offensive has worked, though, because pink gifts have been kept to a minimum.

How is this for a weird ass story:

What’s in the box??? WHAT’S IN THE BOOOOOX???!!!

At the end, it turns out that Kevin Spacey was Kitty Soze all along.

They’re orange. And if you set them on end, they lean to the right. And they hate Mexicans.

I firmly believe that Hillary will soundly beat Trump at any debate in any format. I believe that Hillary can beat the entire Trump family in a celebrity edition of Family Feud. I believe that Hillary can beat Trump at Monopoly, Scrabble and Cranium- as long as he shows up.