
I'm sure Robert De Niro appreciates your sensitivity to his appearance.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. Lenny's abs were too loud.

I am just anti belly button piercing for either sex because of that. Ewwwwwwwwwwww. Belly buttons are gross.

Um, I was sincerely saying that was a fucking awesome idea for a movie cast? All of those gentlemen are older, and you could probably describe all of their faces as "craggily", right? I am pro-Trejo, De Niro, Keitel, Pacino, and Pesci.

See you are smarter than me. I was trying to tell by forehead creases or wrinkles. The man does not have much of either. I got 3/8.

That would be awesome. All that craggily talent in one place.

HAAA me too. Bitch has always been a compliment in my family. It means you are a woman who does not have time for the bullshit.

DA FUCK? I believe the rules say a vote after midnight doesn't count. WHAT UTTER BULLSHIT.

I cannot star this enough. I had no idea the Medieval Crowned Pilgrim Vulva was a thing that exists, but now I do. And the world is a bigger, weirder place than before. Yea verily.

I totally forgot to add: I would shop in person if if had choices in real live stores. Having your choice of multiple items that fit you, and you like, is something that hardly ever happens to me when I shop for clothes. It is usually a struggle to find one thing that I don't hate AND fits me AND is not too expensive.

But she's smaller all over in that old photo. She carries more weight (beautifully!) now. Fact: Boobs are mostly fat. Plus there's tons of genetic stuff so some women gain weight in their boobs, and some don't. My boobs are the absolute LAST place that fat seems to want to go. Everywhere else? Fat cells party!!! My

I agree with Ithinkilostit's assesment. as a plus size person, it is just too exhausting trying to find something that comes close to fitting in the store. It is too much trouble to go into stores because most of the time there are only a limited number of plus sizes to even try on in the first place. At least online

And it's all out of bubblegum.

Rainbow of pantsuits FTW!

See, I was thinking that it works PRECICELY because it is so obviously a line. It's like, ironic and stuff. Plus TIME MACHINE.

Alt-country is indeed country for hipsters. There are some good artists, of course, but once the hipsters get ahold of it...pretension follows.

I love the slight smirk of satisfaction that passes over Spock's face. Karl Urban is SO GOOD as bones. I was ambivilant about Quinto's Spock from the first film. But I liked Quinto's take this time.

This comment is so funny. I am going to totally steal it the next time someone says something racist/sexist.

Now, I actually could kinda get behind presidential tits.

How about Paul Simon's album "Graceland"? The South African musicians on that record definitely seemed to be collaborators and co-creators, and not just "window dressing" for a new sound that he was looking for. Plus, "Diamonds on the Souls of Her Shoes" is the bomb.