
Lemon, I agree wholeheartedly, and the scene with the woman's hands in the clinic also stuck with me long after the film was over.

Triple ditto, two years later.

Triple ditto, two years later.


The Lily/Ted relationship has always been one of my favorites, and one of the most interesting. I hope the extra season gives the show time to explore that.

Like a wet, warm hug?

Thank you. When my children talk about the AHS musicalet episode I can tell them I was there.

I got accepted into my first choice college, bought a new box of chocolate covered cherries, and won two dollars on a scratch ticket today. And that musical number was still the best thing that's happened to me.



I may have to start some slash fiction.

I may have to start some slash fiction.

AV Club High Five! Wah-pa. - The Todd.

AV Club High Five! Wah-pa. - The Todd.

Hello from the future fellow marathoners!

Yeah. Maybe things aren't completely the worst.

Yeah. Maybe things aren't completely the worst.

Kim: Sorry to drop that on you and run but there's a rally for Community.

Kim: Sorry to drop that on you and run but there's a rally for Community.

Now we'll all be lucky if we don't suffer from a collective mental breakdown.