Christopher Anthony Ducini

in your dreams

Then you should have voted for Bernie Sanders. I’ll tell you something, you vote for who you want and I’ll vote for who I want. Don’t play the political game, “the world is going to end if you don’t vote for my candidate”. Don’t keep me from voting in the primary for my candidate and then come to me and ask for my

Social Media took Bernie Sanders from 3% in the polls to a household name around the World and crowds in the THOUSANDS. Clinton couldn’t fill a cafe for cookies, milk, and Geritol. There were people in other countries praying for Bernie Sanders to win. Bernie Sanders fought the American Mainstream Clown News Media

Your the prime example why family members have to stop banging their mothers, sisters, daughters, and first cousins ... it’s lowering the IQ among Americans

You’re right ... Bernie should have shown support for those Corporate Vulture Capitalist Boot Licking Democrats who were stabbing him in the back all along the way.

In your dreams

I wouldn’t vote for Clinton if she was kissing Jesus Christ on the lips, when you pull the lever for a D or R, you’re throwing your vote away, you’re for no change, and reelecting career politicians. 2016 is the year to collapse the Corrupted Two Party System and the Third World Voting Apparatus. It’s time that the