
Regarding insurance, that isn’t entirely true. I have a auto-debit from my checking account and it is the same amount as if I were to pay it off every 6 months.....So it’s actually a benefit for me to pay it on a per month basis.

Dunk it in a Cream Sauce, and call it a Croque Monsieur.

I wonder if Statcast would have the metrics on those ball impacts....

I’m gonna start bat flipping like that at my slow-pitch softball games! Truly inspiring!

201_,......years until the next one?

This guy!!

Those 3.8L Turbos were comically under-rated in the output ratings...such a great motor.

I guess that’s where I’m putting my money! Could care less about the money. I want to see Twitter burn!!

I said DON’T be like lillie...

Want to know how to not be an asshole? Don’t be like lillie.

Is the flare there for a distraction? Like if a dog isn’t behaving you jingle the leash and ask them if they want to go for a walk?

Johnny Manziel was ruined before he was ever drafted. The draft only served to speed up the process of his trip to the bottom. And the Browns continued existence at the bottom.

Smoke was one of the best. He shot freaking rockets and shit out of his chest!

Broadcast all the games at reasonable times for the fans of the teams that are playing. It’s 2016. A LOT of people have DVR and can manage watching them all during intermissions. The NFL doesn’t have a problem showing 4 games at once and I hear they do well with TV ratings.

So you think people should die for things that they like and you don’t? Quite a jump you’re taking there.

Unless he wanted another penalty, there wasn’t much he could. He can’t go past the centerline without getting a penalty.

Most of the shots were wristers from the perimeter with no screens. A wooden silhouette of a goalie would have made the saves the hawks were lolli-popping to Elliot. Big credit to the Blues defense.