So, to address the elephant in the room
So, to address the elephant in the room
Calling someone a white supremacist simply because they embolden and espouse white supremacist ideals is like calling someone a pedophile simply because they sexually molest children.
I love the “What if I said the same thing about Obama?” crowd.
I know there have been other globe/Kyrie jokes
I just like this one
“And the gloves doing all the work are WHITE!! Just saying.” — Fox and Friends
Hi, long-time listener, first-time caller. There is no quarterback controversy because da Bears have a quarterback, and his name is Mick Trabinksi. I haven’t seen a guy trow like dat since McCown was QB—and we woulda won a Super Bowl if he had stayed on the team, but dat’s anudder story. You can’t have what’s-his-name…
You really think he’d stick his neck out like that?
This is the Jetsiest thing I have ever done
Starred for posting your extended (and hard-earned) self-pity to the wrong article, which seems very Jets.
“We can slip it to you under the table or maybe just ‘accidentally’ leave this envelope behind when we leave?”
what a racquet
This being soccer, La Liga officials were entirely baffled as to how to physically accept entirely-legal money, particularly in broad daylight.
Big talk from a guy who’s entire race nearly got wiped out by a lack of fries.
Irish people BUILT THE GODDAMN RAILROADS with some orientals.
I’m fucking dying that that correction is real life. Who says journalism is dead?
Just look at him, plugging away, weaving through traffic to beat the goalie by a hair. It’s good Everton wanted toupee for his services.
I call bullshit on this story. There’s no way Joe Buck has a friend.
Christie tried going to a public beach, but the people from Green Peace kept trying to roll him into the ocean.
If you think that’s bad, wait until Trump’s Tour de France.