In the wake of so many horrific man-on-woman domestic violence scandals, I find it refreshing that Bruce was able to ignore the stereotype and knock the stuffing out of an old man instead.
In the wake of so many horrific man-on-woman domestic violence scandals, I find it refreshing that Bruce was able to ignore the stereotype and knock the stuffing out of an old man instead.
Ok guys, grab your cocks and punch the clock, we’re done here.
There is also nothing compelling them to test for it - that’s completely their choice.
Looks like he used to be an adventurer, and then he took an arrow to the knee.
I think you mean Roy Jones Jr. Jr.
Proper Wisconsin would be “Hand me those three brats, hey”
Draymond being a Warrior, I would have expected him to go for the choke instead.
Second best PF of all time, after only the incomparable Dennis Rodman.
Not just the midfield. Brooks looked drunk.
Boy Jones Jr
Let’s not get carried away, 112 Miller Lites is not heavy drinking. The guy that crushed those beers was probably not even buzzed.
This is the hardest I’ve seen anyone campaign to join the Cardinals.
I estimate i’ve done this at least 4 times. and then immediately after I “reconceive” my old joke I have to silently eat crow and think about how old I must be getting...fuck delino deshields. all of them.
Yeah. Okay. But why do you have to be a dick about all this?
I love you. This is the place dad jokes reach apotheosis.
wow. you win.
Baseball will not have caught up to other pro sports until we see Beast-mode style crotch grabs on the way into home base.
As soon as I finish taking down the Christmas lights.