
The only question is if COBRA has laid claim to it yet, after assuredly forcing it into being.

A-Wings are the Miatas of the Star Wars Universe.

Granted, like all of the top NPC’s in the game, Turalyon is like eight or nine feet tall...

That’d be the equivalent of someone picking up Pittsburgh and just carrying it off to the dump.

If you watched any of the collected banter on the CBS This Morning set that John Oliver would occasionally show, you really wouldn’t be.

But... but if Adam and Eve were the only two people on the planet, who saw them?

I get that.

What I did was get up to 4 stars and try to do a figure 8 through the three areas of the game, not taking the same bridge/tunnel twice, and not lowering my star rating. If I got back to my starting point, I won.

Once we figured out how to shrink down on the original Mario Kart, my friends and I would play cat and mouse, where three tiny racers tried to complete the course while one full sized racer did anything they could to squash the mice. If the cat squished you, you were done, and the cat won if he got all three. That was

Kane accidentally hit Braun with a chair, Braun shoved Kane. That’s really all the pretext you need. They got separated in the ring before anything could come of it, and then Kane took his shot during the scrum at the top of the ramp.

I friggin’ LOVED the video game. Favorite moment was playing as the Empire against my friend in college who was set up in a room down the hall, showing up unexpectedly to his main shipyard and glassing the planet while he screamed in frustration.

Though you have to admit, about the only way you’d get though a full game of Campaign for North Africa is to get it started when your kids are super young.

That’s basically how I won a fight with a kid at day camp in 5th grade. He came charging at me and I just put my fist out for him to run into.

She looks way too happy at the end to have bottomed out. That would have been a 20+ foot fall directly onto the tailbone.

I mean, I just have arms and my shower head isn’t four feet off the ground. There’s no part of me that would get hit by water if the shower head blasted out unexpectedly. And I have a decidedly non fancy-ass shower.

Who is actually IN the shower when they turn on the water to get the right temp? I turn mine on from outside, on the other side of the shower curtain. Even if it starts in the faucet, your feet will still suffer the consequences if you’re standing in the tub when you turn everything on, that’s like playing Russian

I live in Minneapolis but I’m from Michigan, and I had to stop myself from posting “Man, the Vikings will do anything to keep the Packers from winning the Superbowl in their stadium, huh?” on FB. I’m sure it would have started a pretty decent firestorm.

I’m not non-biased by any means (Tigers fan), but I wouldn’t be able to support the Indians just because they said they were going to minimize the use of Chief Wahoo (who’s more racially insensitive than the Redskins logo), and then gave everyone the finger while screaming ‘U MAD BRO’ as they wore it every game

Some kid on my bus threw something out of the window onto a passing car once in middle school and blamed me for it. Apparently the guy was trolling up and down my street looking for me since he knew my name and apparently the street I lived on, but not my address.

In retrospect, that was pretty messed up too.

These are not horrible at all, even Squirrel Girl can tell you that...