Michael P. Shipley

What probably happened was Rob initially ok'd the season story arc and finale, especially after Bruce said he loved it. But months later after Sam finally read it (he's extremely busy working on WW3, etc) he told Tapert: "That finale isnt Evil Dead," so Tapert quickly jury rigged another finale. When DiGregorio threw

Sheila hid in the back seat so she could be in it too. ;)

You know whats weird. Samara Weaving also played the girl who Ash read the book to in his trailer in EP1 and then turned into a deadite at the house Amanda was investigating.

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Hey wait a minute. This sounds suspiciously similar to Bruce's hilarious book, Make
Love the Bruce Campbell Way, where Bruce gets a major role in a Mike Nichols film only to infect it with the B-movie virus. He's a carrier.