IronMaidenForm now with Pence-Trump Stress Disorder

Right, but considering the hoops a woman who hasn’t given birth has to jump through to get sterilized, I’m pretty damn sure anyone undergoing general anesthesia and laparoscopic surgery is really sure she wants it done. Because, you know, women aren’t stupid.

And Milo Yannodouchebag was just calling for journalists to be killed. JFC I just don’t know what to fucking do after this week. 

I am permanently sterilized. I have never had children. It’s far from “terrible.” I’ve had abortions, too; they were uncomfortable but not “terrible” physically or emotionally.

Thank you. I was wondering why anyone gave a crap about this Nazi-fucker, oops, ex-Nazi-fucker who only cared that Nazi stuff when it cut into sales of her discount-store wares. She’s basic as fuck.

All I can tell you is that I’m now 53 and have yet to regret not having children.

My mother was three years ago, and you’re so right about there being no magical unicorn hug™ by a stranger that makes everything okay.

She’s making Laura Bush’s collection of carpet-remnant couture look chic.

It’s amazing to me how that Cubist-faced woman can force such things out of her mouth. Her stumbling delivery certainly doesn’t make it sound easy ... or believable.

You know what? Even if someone just died, if you don’t know me, don’t fucking hug me. I got enough going on. One of the worst things about dealing with my mother’s sudden, unexpected death was fighting off all the attempted huggings by people I didn’t know.

Cardamom Buttermilk Pumpkin Pie forever and ever, amen motherfuckers.

Goddamn I love this woman. Her campaign was so perfect, and she is a classy winner. Now if she’ll just move up here and work on fixing SR17.

I’ve seen some men post “me too” statuses and my first reaction was, “another thing men must make themselves the star of.” Of course it happens to men, but for the majority of them, it was once, which doesn’t make it better, but it’s really not the same as the decades of weekly, sometimes daily incidents of unwanted

I disagree. It is not possible for me to like Terry Crews more than I already do.

What does this even mean is that feminism is a brand we can buy despite making less money in positions we’re overqualified for while worrying about whether we’ll be forced to bear children we can’t afford and if our votes will count. But we’ll be Rockin’ Rebel Prissy Princesses, lookin’ empowered in our wellness as we

That lept out at me as well. As a person who’s been run into, I have almost zero concern for those who do the running other than to get them off the streets

Girl Hero Journey must include something about babies: wanting a baby, having a dead baby, random babies floating around, something something babies because if a Girl Hero isn’t a mama bear, she’s heroic because something something babies. I mean, really, aren’t all women heroes of their own lives because there might

I’m no Schwarzenegger fan, and there’s only one side to be on yet even I have to give him credit for delivering a clear message. It’s very sad to consider this, but perhaps his ‘ideal’ physique of his his youth, his celebrity, and his conservative politics may make some dumbfucks reconsider the joys of fascism.

Also marking them with banners of “Unconditional Surrender” is a nice reminder that the Confederacy surrendered unconditionally.

That’s how I took it - but I was making my sign for tomorrow’s rally as I was watching it. Eating cake, buying stuff and feeling superior for doing nothing is easy. Leaving your house with a sign to stand around takes effort - not a lot, but some (and while I as an individual am not important, I think having