[ironic statement as username]

I prefer the term Saracen. If that won't do I also find Muhammadan fits as well.

I always have a hard time separating the two so please help me out:

Leave it to a Muslim to try and make light of a horrible Islamic movement. Take some ownership, Muslims.

Why, why oh why is it that liberal (but not leftist) outlets like Gawker can't deal with calling islamic fundamentalism what it is? It seems that the more evidence mounts that a substantial minority of Muslims think there's a correct interpretation of their religion that condones violence, the more desperate they

I hope you're talking about Wood's article.

This is a stunning piece in its dishonesty.

Did you read the article you linked to? Foreign fighters exaggerated?

This makes IS's roots and motivations appear more irrational and unfathomable

Yeah and what about the Westboro Baptist Church? They have killed thousands of people. In fact, they are beheading a bunch of people today in Kansas City.

first why is this on a tech blog? Second, I don't recall radical Christians in this century flying planes into building killing thousands. I'm sorry but Islam is the current terrorist threat. Not defending any religion because they are all not great in this regard but to say islam is nice and cuddly is hilarious.

Sure, like any criticism of Israel is equated to anti-semitism.

Here are some things to consider.

it really is a great way to shut it down.

Harris is a voice of reason in a confused world. Calling his analysis of these issues middlebrow is a joke. Th

Any criticism of Islam: islamophobia

Islamophobia, as in fear of Islam is irrational. Funny because of all the cruelties and discriminiations that happen in its name. But hey, nothing to do with Islam ofcourse! It's just coincidence that 99% of all vile terrorists seek out Islam to justify their acts.