
I’m undergoing chemotherapy right now for an autoimmune disorder. I look healthy, but my immune system is compromised. The first two months resulted in a less than 30% improvement. I’m facing, at minimum, another two months with a new medication. If that doesn’t work, then it’s another two months. This entire period,

This logic is totally chill and awesome if you never leave your house or simply don’t care who you might infect should you get influenza.

Quite frankly we should be looking at it from the same herd immunity standpoint that we use for every other vaccine. Even though for most of us the flu is just a discomfort, when you get it you’re not just protecting yourself from it, but those with weaker immune systems around you. The elderly mentioned in the

What about the immunocompromised who might also have a contraindication to receiving the flu vaccine? What about infants too young to receive the vaccination? Their only protection is everyone else preventing the spread of flu. You don’t just vaccinate to protect yourself. Get the shot to protect everyone.

kfc is some chump ass shit where is the damn popeye’s

No, you’re absolutely not taking this story and that comment in an oddly personal way and overreacting and protesting too much at all, no not at all...

*laughing softly*

It’s one thing to point out crisis level homeless and poverty levels. We have a very similar problem here in Seattle, which recently resulted in a mass shooting at a homeless encampment called The Jungle. It involved three underage boys trying to collect on a $500 drug debt owed to their mother. Everything about this

No leader, especially a religious leader, should have the right to question another man’s religion or faith.

Whitney sang the anthem at Superbowl XXV in 1991, 25 years ago.

Me too. My heart feels like it’ll never stop breaking over things like this. I have a son and these stories literally - and I’m using it right - give me nightmares sometimes.

I’ll be honest. I kind of wish my husband had done this instead of venturing down to the forbidden zone during delivery. I really don’t understand how he still wants to have sex with me.

I think it’s funny. And yes, I’ve had two kids. I love absurdity even in such situations. I can understand why not everyone would be on board, but if his wife thought it was funny too, it sounds like he knows her and her sense of humor well enough.

I’d just like to say that I work full-time and have a toddler and a husband who does more than half of the house work. We don’t have our kid involved in any extra-extracurriculars or make precious lunches for our kiddo and it’s still fucking hard and I still miss my friends and my hobbies. Maybe, just maybe, it has to

Can we add “too judged”? Because parents that try to let their kids fall down and be more feral and learn from their mistakes get arrested now. Somewhere along the line we made imperfect parenting a crime.

Everybody looks till they’re old. Then we forget, because we stop caring what we looked like. We’re just delighted we can still run races.

It reminds me of the Jim Henson classic “Emmett Otter’s Jug Band Christmas” which is awesome and which I may or may not own on VHS...

The fifth was just music, sweet music. On another note, MOTD burn on Twitter:

This. But we all know who wins the Facebook martyr-off: stay at home moms.

Candy corn is amazing.