
As an Old, I was waiting for someone to make this connection.

I’m just now finding out about this cancellation and I am devastated.

This happens so frequently that the hospital I work at has a written policy in stating that we will not honor a patient’s request to switch doctors based on race (or gender, which also happens with disturbing frequency).

The IOM recommendations were just updated and expanded. There were high hopes that we would have a Clinton presidency and that these recommendations would usher in expanded and improved healthcare coverage for women. Instead, the recommendations have been rolled out mostly under the radar with no fanfare and a great

I signed up for this. It’s not big and flashy, but it’s one concrete thing you can do every day.

The only teeny tiny bit of joy I had yesterday was when my (college freshman) daughter texted me and told me she wants to be president. If the devastating outcome of this election gives more girls and women the desire to pursue careers in politics or to become more engaged in the political process, then maybe we can

Broken is the right word. It’s bad enough that we feel this way. But seeing the toll on our kids is beyond heartbreaking.

This quote from Mr. Cornwell’s obit is telling :/

Not sure if this was their source, but the facts hold up, at least according to the UN (see page 30):

See also: Portland

Solid choice. But if Washed Up (German) Soccer Stars is our criteria, I am throwing Arne Friedrich into the ring. I met him once in person and he is literally the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in real life.

They might have been able to beat those Riverbottom houligans with Elsie Otter in the jugband.

Text rn from my 17 year old daughter:

Thrilled to see Stephanie Mills as Aunt Em!

I’m currently wearing a bright blue skirt covered in goddamn sailboats. daughter is also 17 and has also had a similar experience at work. I think you have absolutely done the right thing, all I would add is to encourage our daughter to keep her eyes open when she is arriving and especially leaving work. Not sure how your girl gets to and from work, but I had my daughter ask to

Yes, this. So much self-righteousness and self-importance in this town. I’m also a fellow NYer, but have lived in Portland for 20 years. It gets more insufferable ever year, and honestly these two women represent #AGreatManyPortlanders.

I’m may be biased because I live in Portland, but our airport food is the best. Not only because of the stellar choices available but also because the restaurants aren’t allowed to charge differently than they do outside the airport.

That reminds me of one of the best Ab Fab episodes of all time!