
I am so with you on this one. When I was a (horrible) teenager, my friend and I would go to the grocery store and steal the pictures out of Tiger Beat etc. In retrospect, I realize how shitty that was to the paying customers. Anyway, my target was ALWAYS John Taylor and hers was Nick Rhodes. He still is looking pretty

This made me realize that my 16 year-old daughter hasn't read Flowers in the Attic. I feel like I need to hook her up immediately, but I can't decide if that makes me a shitty mom or an awesome mom (or an awesomely shitty mom).

I think she might (maybe?) be rocking some clip-in extensions, so do-able for those of us with baby hair? You know, assuming you can fork over $150 for clip-ins.

She was also roommates with Lauren Graham! And Coach! And (briefly) Tim Riggins!

My kid has celiac and I usually tell her to say the same thing - that she is allergic - for the same reasons you do it. However, since she is 16 and Knows.It.All. she takes huge offense to my tactic and instead is on a one-woman mission to educate everyone she comes into contact with about celiac. So, she's cancelling

I graduated in 83 too. Old lady high five! I don't remember things being so pastel-y, but I do think we dressed along these lines. I definitely wore white tights with white shoes. And thought I looked awesome doing so. :/

It's a crazy-ass sharkathon on SyFy that day. Apart from Ghost Shark, they are also showing: Jersey Shore Shark Attack; Malibu Shark Attack; Super Shark; 2-Headed Shark Attack AND Sharknado (encore presentation!!)

Boy, you got that right...remember when Maude had an abortion? I also always loved it when she told Walter "God's gonna get you for that." Maude was so damn badass.

I wish Brienne was a Rose City Roller instead.

This is Reason #4,958 that having a teenage daughter freaks me out. Mine has flown a couple of times on her own and will again this summer and I so wish I could go on the plane with her to hand pick her seatmate (my choices would be some grandmotherly type, a 10 year-old girl or - ideally - Tami Taylor). In lieu of

I guess not, which confuses me because this was also the ONLY thing that I paid attention to as well. Perhaps there aren't enough Olds/TV Land aficionados on Jez these days.

Anne Hathaway should know there is only one Miss Hathaway.

My daughter has two different colored eyes

This may be the *one* thing not ruined by Scott Baio.

The Junior Ranger program is awesome (and obviously Evie takes her job seriously). There are oaths and badges and pins involved.

It sure sounds like you are doing the right thing. As for your husband, he will either be okay or he won't, but either way that is his call.

Nope, he was one of the dude-bros that Lloyd hung out with at the Gas and Sip after getting dumped.