David Baker

I can't believe no one mentioned Number Six

Why on earth would you ever sync anything with Outlook!?

adjustStreamVolume(int streamType, int direction, int flags)

They probably announced it weeks ago... When the Fire was up for preorder. Gizmodo is just late, you're missing nothing.

While I agree with the article, I think you're a tad late. All the things mentioned have already been released...

this makes for some hearting.

I wonder how many of them sang in their car while driving to work. Driving in itself is a combination of tasks that have to be processed and reacted to, and people do it every day. Singing along to your favorite song, just adds to it. Granted you do get people that seem to lose all brain function while driving.

I'm not arguing with their rulings, I agree that reasonable restraints should be okay. Reasonable being the key term. However, using the logic posted Mubarak would have been justified in his actions to silence protestors in order to protect his people. Something I remember much of the world finding appalling. The line

Except prisoners are still using cellphones because legally the prisons can't jam the signals. An airline or movie theater telling you not to use your phone is different than actually blocking communication. So yes it is indeed a slippery slope of blocking free speech.

Did anyone else notice the piece of background that they missed near her right shoulder?

I'm still trying to find a justification for paying $4 a month for music I already own to be played on devices that can already play my music.

I'm hardly rich and I have done numerous projects that had no real point. There's more to life than just work.

Taco Salads are healthy too, right?

I guess I have a good chance. I have a fire poker next to me.

If the songs are in the newer .m4a format, copy them to a Linux distro and use Sound Converter. Works like a charm.

Yea it is. I'm weary of it though because I swore of LG products after my Chocolate fiasco. The Xperia looks pretty sweet too. Tough choices for my early upgrade...

I got lucky when I bought my Eris. I knew it wasn't going to be the best, but the folks at XDA made it all better, especially since the Eris was one of the first phones to get Froyo and Gingerbread (which I'm running now). I think the Midrange phone can be just as useful as the higher-end ones. Granted there's no

He plays skinny pete

I have to give it to Breaking Bad. Doesn't hurt that my dad's in it XD