David Baker

I was just reminiscing the awesome green and blackish-blue screen that thing rocked. Of course it was about how the new Pokemon games looked crappier than their Gameboy counterparts.

Come on regulators!

I'm sure if the survey was given here, at least 20% would argue that gravity doesn't exist.

I'm sure if the survey was given here, at least 20% would argue that gravity doesn't exist.

And it won't be called an alarm, it will be called iWake

Maybe it's because I haven't learned the identity and it's use yet, but I do know that 1 and -1 are two different numbers.... (4:07)

Except my comment was about hacking, and the comments before it. So the discussion was hacking. Unless you meant to reply to my other comment, then I can understand.

But how does it really make you feel? Seriously, it's a keyboard with specialized buttons. Is it different from having a keyboard with media keys? People want what people want, I'm surprised it doesn't come with an iPhone dock. Just be thankful they're not paying $200 for it.

I think you missed the point of my comment. Hacking and validation are two different things. All the validation in the world, doesn't stop an intrusion whether it be a button system or a computer system.

As long as there's a free lobotomy after so I never have to remember it.

Any system can be "hacked or corrupted" if a person gains access, regardless of being digital or not. This same argument was brought up in US congress. They argued that hackers, using the internet, could hack places such as the Hoover Dam and cause widespread chaos. This was a great scare tactic, before the operators

To me it seems the argument should be for the use of a keyboard and a verification process. I don't think a system should be a "one button press and instant change" type of control for a nuclear plant, regardless of whether it's touchscreen or physical. The same argument of pressing a wrong key on a virtual keyboard

Haha they're still trying to sell that thing? I thought they gave up when the realized no one wanted it. I guess they need money for all those lawsuits XD

Is it funny that after reading the second to last line "... as a reminder of how far Venezuela has fallen", I immediately look below and see an ad for Rage?

Combined, these sound a lot like ecstasy... but with less techno.

I lmao'd a little

I think more lawyers need to help the kid out. Whoever is helping him now really needs to get with the program. Seeing as how Reps of Sony have released the code over Twitter, and it's made its way to numerous sites and blogs besides geo's. Not to mention the fact that he never signed up for PSN ergo never agreeing to

And how many people would cry hacker because they got pwn'd?

@RushinRussian: Custom UI? Have you been on android? There's about 20+ home screen replacements to theme and customize any way you want, or you can write your own *Gasp*. Snip and scrapbook images, isn't that Evernote? Stylus for your touch device... I've seen numerous articles on how to make a stylus for your

@Jakooboo: Yea everyone knows if you wanna look smart in front anyone computer-illiterate you use a liveCd of any Linux distro. +5 cool points if you use a command line only distro.