A+ would read again.
A+ would read again.
If memory serves, The drivetrain engineer they sent out for that engines debut told everyone point blank. The engine is huge. The engine is heavy. It will never be in anything else.
What, autos are fun too...
We need a manual CVT with a big ol’ handle you yank to raise and lower the ratio at will.
To all the eventual commenters complaining about three pedal lovers, it’s all about this:
I do an employer-matched Roth 401(k). I don’t worry too much about having to roll over into Roth IRA if I change jobs and the new employer doesn’t offer it. If anything you get a little more control over your portfolio in a Roth IRA, at least that’s been my experience.
The whole thing is more complicated than either response. It comes down to plan provisions. Withdrawals while an active employee are almost always only allowed as a hardship withdrawal, which have very specific requirements, but do include medical expenses as you stated in the article. In that case you can only…
No arguments here, that’s one big trunk.
If you had both hands on the wheel you wouldn’t need an armrest..........
agreed. the sad answer to my own username.
WTF? This was confusing as hell. I think you’ve got some numbers wrong and stuff. Maybe give it a once-over and try it again?
Also as an American, I can assure that a man named Bubb Rubb and his whistler tips have had the answer the world is looking for all along.
For all the bullshit spewing from their mouths, that was an absolutely artful boulder drop onto a tiny target. Kudos to the bobcat operator.
I emerged from Cleveland but I can’t speak for any other idiots
Just when I was beginning to like you, Mack, you go and do this. I love me some wagon, but sedans have benefits.
Is... is this not the proper way to shift?
Former manual driver. I’m starting to get tired of getting stuck behind guys “driving” manuals.
Yes, let’s consider Mary, who earns $60k a year at 25 and puts every penny of her 2% raise per year into retirement. So for the next 10 years, Mary takes home: