
The idea that Barrys dad was that universes original flash and then had his speed stolen by zoom makes a certain amount of sense, after all Olivers father was the Arrow in this universe. The comment someone made about it possibly being Thawne could be intriguing too, or maybe it's Eddie, his body got pulled in through

I found the series enjoyable and I think I know what the actual goal with the 'black sky' thing is. In the comics the hand worships a demon known as The Beast, my guess is that the whole ultimate weapon thing is sort of a cover, meant to serve as the host body for their dark master to allow it to walk upon the earth.

Ehh….I can sort of see it. The wildman look gone plus the hair all shaved off he would look different enough. Though honestly I'd be more concerned about the fact that apparently a confirmed mental patient escaped the asylum possibly with powers and that never got mentioned.

Well that would actually be an interesting theory, not to mention the fact that it would also be an interesting parallel to the original story of Barry Allen and his twin brother who would become Cobalt Blue.

I just had a rather strange thought. What if Zolomons electroshock actually did do something useful, maybe even good. IE what if he was somewhat fixed by the electroshock. That could explain the altruistic flash that he was, at least for a while. Maybe leading to a bit of a split personality later on or something a

I read this sort of thing and think that we'll end up making machines go skynet on us because we pushed them to it because it would be funny

Zoom is hunter Zolomon from Earth 2? Jay mentioned that his apparent earth double is hunter zolomon…oh god I just had a thought. Earth 2 Wells called Garrick a coward, what if he accidentally or on purpose led zoom to his double and Zoom grabbed the double instead of him. Might explain the comment from Zoom of "Well

I interpreted Barrys reactions and behavior to a combination of him being really stressed and also focused more on the whole King Shark thing. He didn't exactly want to be there with Wally, but he recognized that he should if only for Iris and Joe. Him wanting to speed things up and the like may have also been him