The Iron Chic

Whereas I just hope he gets murdered on the way home from work.

You’re right.

I regret to inform you that if Brazile starts changing Fox News hearts and minds, (she won’t), then racist uncle will merely find a new outlet, a new variation of Fox News, that he wants to hear.

Thank you. Good points.

I meant that in the case of Bevin, registered Democrats who assumed his opponent had it in the bag staying home are literally the reason Bevin won.

double post..again! WTH, Kinja?

Now playing

I watched both of their complete interviews, two hours in length on Joe Rogan.

Okay. Let’s start over. If you like.

double post

I think that it is going to be difficult to Frankenstein a candidate that checks off every box.

I’d love to see a physician, asshole.

So Yang is a white supremacy astroturf joke, and Tulsi is terrible.

I liked this post up until your finger wagging dramatic big finish, which again nods to this trope that if we all just put on the “sensible” hat, then we will turn this pickle back into a harmless cucumber.

What do you think of Tulsi Gabbard?

When reached for comment, President Oprah Winfrey noddingly approved, suggesting that Jenny McCarthy is merely “living her truth”.

How old are you? Just for the record, I’m 47.

But..but...CNN says that we are going down there to help people. are interrupting a tired, delicious narrative that provides much outrage pleasure.

This is what happens when a country of 327-million is allowed to slip from a democracy into an oligarchy. When you allow capitalism to run roughshod over working people for long enough.

We are a long way from the forgive and forget stage.