I, Ron Butterfly

Yeah, when it’s been hot here in NWPA, it’s also been effing humid. I can handle heat when it’s dry, but relative humidity in the 80th percentile with 90 degree temps is maddening.

Jesus, snark is all I had left!

Remember when Alex Jones was an amusing animated conspiracy buff in Waking Life? Richard Linklater remembers.

‘Mats forever!

“Ammosexuals” just made my day.

Hey Sam!

I’m auditing this class. I scoff at your quiz.

They must be stopped.

Kevin Smith says he’s working on a massive mystery project.

The upping of the comment game notwithstanding, I must ask how one shits one’s self.

Or the Cordwainer Bird.

I like to imagine Groundskeeper Willie bursting in and telling Wolf Blitzer that it’s time for the main course.

I don’t get it.


Hmm, is this a “Prince Albert in a can” type situation?

That article header is borderline incomprehensible.

Reversals and betrayals and cracked moral worldviews.....

Good lord, the precedent that case set!

My favorite anecdote about Van Halen comes from Michael Anthony, I can’t remember where I read it, and it might be apocryphal, but here we go.
