Diamond Sea

You have to play it with a classic controller, it just doesn't work at all with the Wiimote.

Ah right, haha, totally forgot it was you who made that post :-P

It was going to be a downloadable game, but Ubisoft announced that the title had been expanded to a full-retail title, a few weeks ago.

You know what, I'm pre-ordering this. I want developers to know that you can still release 2D platformers that aren't Mario on physical media. I think this is a real ballsy move from Ubisoft.

It looks good, but I'm worried about smaller developers like Xseed and Atlus. Can they really invest in that kind of console? They offered some of the best experiences on the PSP, but they didn't really push the console to its graphical limits. I'm not saying their NGP games will have to look as good as Uncharted GA,

The gameplay is icing on the cake?

Well, if you want to have a taste of Hunted, you can still do the prologue. You'd have to do it in single-player anyway, you can't even choose the co-op option if you haven't.

Woo! Playstation Store has been updated! At last! Let's check out all these new g-

French word for seal would totally work too. It's "phoque". And it's pronounced like... well, like "fuck".

Okay, I know "Gabe Newell is fat" jokes have been beaten into the ground, but I can't resist posting this one.

I haven't started playing yet, but a friend told me you have to play a small prologue before you can play in co-op. That may be it.

Yeah I hate these kind of commenters. They're annoying but they never really post something that's so flat-out horrible it's worth banning. It's just minor offenses repeated over and over, so the mods don't really see it.

I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. The lack of reviews has been putting me off, but I'm getting it today, thanks to player feedback such as yours :-)

What nerdrage32 said, you'd best play them in order. That way you won't feel like some features are missing when you try P3, and you'll get the few P3 references when you play P4 (they're not essential to understanding the story, but they're pretty cool).

Also, I didn't know a YAYNEWGAME dance was standard procedure amongst some fellow gamers. I usually just rip off the cellophane as soon as I can, open the game box and put my nose in it so I can get some of that sweet, sweet new game smell.

I'm pretty sure it's a face! I see it looking downwards, with a bald head on the left and a beard on the right. Yeah it's totally God.

I'm getting it today as well! The level editor sold me, didn't even know that was a feature. I'm not especially creative, but I'm eager to see what others will come up with.

Oh man, wouldn't it be awesome if it was real?

"Ever play a game and get scared at a seemingly "normal" part of the game?"