I have phases, they come and go. Right now I'm in a huge adventure binge, so I'm playing Syberia and Myst, but right before that I completed Vanquish and Sin & Punishment, and before that it was JRPGs for two whole months.
I have phases, they come and go. Right now I'm in a huge adventure binge, so I'm playing Syberia and Myst, but right before that I completed Vanquish and Sin & Punishment, and before that it was JRPGs for two whole months.
I liked Nier a lot, but at the same time I think the somewhat harsh reviews were justified. It gets a lot of things wrong, it just happens to be off-beat enough to stay interesting and relevant despite its shortcomings.
Oh she has a new album? I thought her first was pretty cute, I'll look into it.
Just stopped at Microplay and got Boom Blox Bash Party. I heard it was a great party game, and I thought my girlfriend would like it, since it has co-op.
I traded in a french version of A Link To The Past, complete with manual, box, the whole shebang, so I could get Okami.
New Thurston Moore LP... It's amazing.
I finished Portal 2's co-op yesterday. Those last few puzzles were really hard, but we pulled through. It was one of the most rewarding co-op experiences I've ever played.
Well I bought a Sony Bravia 32" HDTV and I've been very happy with it. It's not true HD I guess, it's 720p, but at that size it doesn't really matter all that much. Now if you were looking at 40+ inches HDTVs I'd say go for 1080p, but it's harder to see a difference at 32", especially if you sit relatively far from…
That only works on the European version though :-(
Hm... Wonder how much credit I'd get if I traded my PS3 GOTY edition at Gamestop... If I can get about 15 bucks, it'd be worth exchanging it for one of these, for the map, bonus discs and the 10$ coupon.
Well there's always the Metal Slug Collection for PS2. Probably my favorite co-op games of all time, well worth it if you can still find it.
I was in the mood for some point-and-click adventuring, so I grabbed both Syberia games from GoG. The first one is loading right now, can't wait to try it!
They probably figure most people who haven't bought a PSP at this point probably aren't going to get one anyway. Cases like yours must be pretty rare, the system's been released for a while now...
Peace Walker? God of War? Well sure, but I'd rather be playing those on my PSP.
Pffft, I prefer THIS Rapture.
Whoa, great news! It's weird though, how he says they're on the last parts of the game and we've barely seen any screenshots or heard about story details...
I bought it, played for about two hours and it didn't really stick with me... Building in 2D just isn't as fun, Minecraft it is not :-(
About Final Fantasy, if you saved before the last boss there are portals that can take you back to Pulse so you can finish any sidequests you have left behind. So don't feel bad about rushing through, you can always go back later... Although those later fights can get pretty hard, so a bit of grinding is advised.
Hopefully finishing up Nier. After that, I dunno. I was thinking about starting up a new Dragon Quest VIII game. I got to that part after the octopus boss, on the ship, and haven't touched it in years. I'm in the mood for a simple, classic, but involving JRPG, so I think I'm going to give it another go.
There IS some pretty random stuff going on in the background, but I don't notice. I'm all eyes on Debbie :3