Diamond Sea

Well you must've just been lucky, because he's a real bitch to catch. It wanted to catch him before leaving Castelia city, so I only had two Ultra Balls, and it still took a good 7 tries, wasting all my Ultra balls, Great balls and Poké balls every time. Even if I paralyzed him, put him to sleep... I fucking hated the

Well yeah, I'll give you that :-P

I agree with your comment, but I don't think you understood the article : this is rendered in real-time, it's not a cutscene. Of course there's not a whole game running under it, but it's still within the realm of possibility, if said game is optimized well enough.

It's good to see those consoles aren't running out of tricks. But really, I think we've come to a point where it doesn't really matter all that much. We're long past the point where graphics are an obstacle to how much a game can pull you in. I'm not saying our games couldn't look any nicer, I'm just saying they

I want to finish the single player campaign beforehand, but we'll see about that eventually! Do you have a mic?

The Last Guardian and Ico/SotC Collection are being delayed :-(

Well I can't speak for all Microplay stores, but the one I visit has drastically improved over the past few years. They used to not even take pre-orders, since they were pretty small. Now they do, and they offer better prices than EBgames/Gamestop if you want to get credit for your old games.

The biggest draw in this update for me? "Performance improvements"!

Bad posts get sent to the cornfield. Most of the time, if one of your posts gets there, you'll be banned or unstarred. Stay respectful, even when arguing, don't post "tl;dr" or "slowtaku" or "slow news day" and you'll be just fine :-P

Damn you Portal 2! Why must you release on a day where I have classes from 8 to 6???

The first Dino Crisis was very much Resident Evil : Dinosaurs. Still worth downloading if you enjoyed RE1, 2 and 3, but nothing special IMO.

We're also getting Dino Crisis 2 and Threads of Fate as PSone classics. I loved DC2 back in the days, so I'll be getting that, but can anyone recommend Threads of Fate? I like the art style, but how is the game?

Hahaha, you can get all sorts of crazy, non-sensical weapons in that game. Once i found a scoped rocket launcher with a 4-rocket magazine. It only took one pull of the trigger to shoot all four. Wasn't very practical, but damn!

Anyone went shopping for Record Store Day yesterday? I did!

Do you have a co-op buddy? I mean, a dedicated online or IRL friend which you play all your co-op games with? I do!

Portal. The first one :-P

I usually wait for price drops, but when it comes to my favorite IPs and developers (Katamari series, Atlus, Valve, mostly) I almost always pre-order. Especially Atlus games, since there could very well be a shortage of games before there is a price drop.

"Game Informer has heard from multiple sources that the company will unveil it at E3 this summer if not sooner."

Well I pre-ordered it for the PS3, so even if it releases on Steam early, I won't play it sooner than the 19th.

I just scratch the stickers off and soak the remaining bits with lighter fluid, it comes off pretty easily after that. I never used your Magic Eraser and Goo Gone thingies, but since it took you 2 hours to take off 10 labels, I thought I'd share my trick!