"Which Zelda game is better?"
"Which Zelda game is better?"
I had written a very lenghty reply for this, but Kotaku ate my comment. So here's the abridged version :
My pick would be Super Meat Boy, but if you get easily frustrated, you might want to skip that one. BG&E was awesome when I played it on the PS2, I imagine it can only be better in HD, with a more stable framerate, so it's a great pick too.
As Kuipo says, your framerate is limited by your monitor's refresh rate, and even if you can display 120 fps on your PC monitor, the human eye won't see a difference past 60fps. Actually, even 60fps is pushing it.
Nope! There was a Cid in FFXII (there's one in every FF), but Cid Raines was in FFXIII :-)
"Wonder if this is also true for antagonist characters like Lieutenant Colonel Jihl Nabaat (pictured)"
Yesterday I was eager to try Free Realms on the PS3, but I had problems connecting to it.
Nice! I still have my CD-rom version, but maybe I'll buy it again, just to run it without hassle. Such a great platformer :-)
Well it's free, duh :-D
Can't wait to try it! I won't spend a dollar on more content, but if I can get a good 10 hours out of the free stuff, it's still worth my bandwidth :-)
I've always been interested in that game, I heard it was a flawed gem. I may trade in Super Mario Galaxy 2 to get it (already 100%ed that game anyway).
I highly recommend Ghost Trick, that story is sure to hook you until the end, and the puzzles are a lot of fun. Think Incredible Machine meets point-and-click adventure with a great storyline and fun characters. :-P
Hm yeah, I've been experiencing some glitches too, but when it says "Post save fail", most of the time my post still got through. I just check in a new tab to see if it worked, to avoid double-posting.
So, GTA4. After dying for the 7th time in Jimmy Pegorino's first mission, I told that game to go fuck itself and started a new Dragon Age character. I'll probably get back to GTA4 someday, but those last few missions are way too frustrating.
Costume Quest is well worth the price of admission. It's a very simple game, but it's just very fun to play. One of the very few games I got 100% trophies for. Got a good 6-7 hours out of it too.
I'm not really seeing what the fuss is all about either, despite being a huge portable gaming fan. Sure the hardware is cool, but without any worthy software it means nothing. Plus, I'm sure we're still going to see some good support for the original DS in the next few months, so I'm definitely waiting for a 3DS price…
Still steadily making my way through GTA4. I decided to just ignore all of my friends' requests to play pool or go see some titties or whatever, else I'll never finish the game and God knows I have a LOT of other games to play after that. I'm doing missions for Pegorino, I'm guessing I have anywhere from 3 to 5 hours…
When I played it solo, it didn't really grab me. But when I started a new game and played through the game exclusively in co-op, it became one of my favorite shooters of all time!
If you already have the regular classic controller, not worth upgrading, but if you don't you should pick up the bundle. Tried to play it with the Wii remote, not worth the hassle...
Still living with my parents, so all my home consoles are in the basement. They watch TV in the living room on their SDTV, and I play my games in the basement on my HDTV. Hardly seems fair, but I did pay for it :-P