Diamond Sea

It's a phishing attempt, don't trust it. If someone gifts you a free copy of a game, I'm pretty sure Steam itself is going to tell you when you login to their application. They'll probably send an email too, but log into Steam to check if it's really them.

Did you just forget to save, or was it the game's fault for not letting you save? I've had that game for a while but didn't play it much. It seemed pretty unforgiving, but not that much :-S

Something's been bothering me for a while with PSone games on PS3... Why all the jaggies? I keep thinking there has to be a way to make these games look better on HDTVs. I mean, textures obviously aren't going to look any better than they did 10-15 years ago, and of course everything is going to be low-poly. But

No, I only have a PS3.

That's a great looking theme. I would have probably paid for it even if that money didn't go to Japan, so it's all the more awesome that my money will actually help, if only just a little bit. Thanks for the heads up!

I haven't noticed anything of the sort, but then again, the game is so absorbing, I don't think I would notice even if that was the case :-P

I have a first-gen iPod Touch, I hope the game supports older models... It looks really great, the pixel art is beautiful.

Ah, I thought it was just IV and After Years back-to-back. There's more, you say? That sounds like a purchase to me!

Looks pretty nice! I prefer the 3D designs of the DS version, but those enhanced sprites have a lot of charm as well, I think purists will like them a lot more than the 3D designs. Have they announced a price yet? If it's $30 I might pick it up, but if it's $40 I'll just wait for a sale.

Haha, I saved right before that dungeon's boss this morning, can't wait to finish my homework so I can go back to it :-D

Now playing

Plastic mannequins make me extremely uncomfortable, so this part of Silent Hill 3 really hit home...

I'm digging it so far too! I just got the vine power, about five hours in as well... It's not quite up there with its predecessor, but definitely worth the price. The DS is going out with a bang :-)

The Wii isn't exactly the best console for JRPGs, but I do love me some Monster Hunter Tri.

Don't feel bad, you should trade it in while it's still worth something. DS2 being an EA game, it's probably going to be 15-20 bucks by the end of the year, so you can get it back real cheap later if you wanna play again.

RoF is pretty great, but hex-farming kind of ruined it for me. I'm the kind of guy who has to unlock everything and do every side-quest, and since the hex drop rate isn't very high, I spend more time grinding for hexes than anything else...

Never played the first one, but I do love me some zombie killing! Can't wait to try it. :-)

Got Okamiden and Dead Rising 2 today. I've beaten Okamiden's first dungeon, and I loved what I played so far, definitely playing some more this weekend. On the home console side, it's gonna be DR2 if I can get a hold of my co-op buddy, GTA4 if I can't.

Just got Okamiden (which I bought for myself) and Dead Rising 2 (which a friend bought for me) in the mail, both at the same time. I'm knee-deep in games here! :-D

Ah yeah, sorry. Played too much GH5 lately :-P

Well, not exactly a retro game, but I almost expected to hear a "Du-ding!" and earn a gold trophy when I finished Sympathy for the Devil on Hard Rock difficulty, in Elite Beat Agents :-P